Who We Are
Experienced and focused on safety, Prestley & Co. provide individualized Infection Control solutions for a variety of healthcare settings. These settings include, Long Term Care Homes, Retirement Residences, Congregate Settings as well as Dental and Primary Care practices.

What We Do
- On-site Assessments
- Recommendations
- Policies
- Construction & Renovation
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Training
- Medical Device Reprocessing & Sterilization
- Dental Services
We provide on-site infection control assessments of various healthcare and non-healthcare facilities.
For those physician offices, we also ensure that facilities meet CPSO Infection Prevention and Control Standards.
We identify high risk areas and utilize key insights to develop tailored recommendations to mitigate disease transmission.
We review existing policies but also work with your organization to create infection prevention and control policies that align with the most recent standards.
We review new and existing architectural drawings, provide infection control recommendations on surfaces and finishes as well as provide Infection Control Work Permits.
We provide expertise on WSIB claims, case management, non-Infection Prevention & Control policies, ergonomic assessments, workplace violence and harassment policies.
We deliver training sessions about the chain of disease transmission and interventions, donning and doffing PPE, and point of care risk assessments, vaccine information and various communicable diseases.
We provide recommendations on how to set up as well as clean and disinfect soiled medical equipment.
We can help source masks, alcohol-based hand rub, disinfecting wipes, and disinfecting technology.
We offer a variety of customized services to provide your practice with everything it needs to meet all infection control standards as mandated by Public Health and the Regulatory Colleges. Our IPAC Policy and Procedure Manuals and Mock Onsite Audits ensure your team is up-to-date and trained on the current IPAC processes, procedures, record keeping and written policies.